strategisk kompetensförsörjning för att stärka företagets konkurrenskraft

Future Competitiveness is Everyone’s Responsibility

Future Competitiveness is Everyone’s Responsibility

All Doers

Future Competitiveness is Everyone’s Responsibility

All Doers

Nowadays, almost all of our client engagements revolve around a common theme: strategic workforce planning. Whether it’s employer branding, culture, communication, sustainability, or leadership, the skills of tomorrow are always a critical factor for long-term success and business performance.


We’ve made a couple of observations. Or perhaps the first is more of a challenge. In many organizations, strategic workforce planning is still seen as an isolated HR issue—something the “HR department should handle.” Given that strategic workforce planning permeates almost every aspect of the business, this is a rather poor starting point. Thankfully, our second observation is more promising: more and more organizations are realizing that long-term competitiveness is not just built on the right products, technology, or business models. It’s built on how well we mobilize, engage, and develop our employees’ capabilities—for their wellbeing, but most importantly, for the company’s performance and future competitiveness.

In today’s rapidly shifting technological landscape, changing demographics, uncertain global conditions, and employees seeking more than just a paycheck, one thing is clear: workforce planning is no longer an HR silo. It’s a business-critical, strategic issue for the entire organization. To meet this challenge, we need a new approach to workforce planning that connects directly to performance management and overall talent management.

What is Strategic Workforce Planning – Really?

Let’s be honest: the term “strategic workforce planning” doesn’t exactly make anyone’s heart race. It sounds dry, bureaucratic, and mechanical—as if it’s just about placing the right skills in the right positions, without engaging people or unlocking their potential. And as if we already knew exactly what skills we need. That might have been the case in the past when HR could skillfully manage workforce planning and succession planning. But today, we need skills that universities haven’t even identified yet, and that companies are still struggling to define.

What if we started talking instead about “competence-driven growth” or “future capacity”? These might not be perfect terms either, but they signal something different—that we’re talking about development, innovation, and competitiveness, not just administration.

Workforce Planning – A Shared Responsibility

Workforce planning is no longer something that can be delegated to one part of the organization. It needs to be integrated into every strategic decision—from business development to budgeting processes and growth strategies. Leadership must collectively identify and clarify which competencies are crucial for the company’s competitiveness and anchor these in the business plan and the entire organization.

And let’s not forget the power of collective learning and sharing! Talent management isn’t just about developing one’s own skills—it’s about fostering a culture where everyone takes responsibility for their own growth as well as their colleagues’. This collective learning is one of the most powerful drivers of engagement. And as we know, engagement fuels both innovation and performance.

Forward, Upward!

It’s time to rethink how we talk about and work with strategic workforce planning. It’s no longer just about identifying the right competencies. It’s about linking them directly to the strategy, unlocking potential, and ensuring that both individuals and organizations grow together. Future competitiveness isn’t just about having the right people in the right place—it’s about securing the entire business’s future by creating a culture where talent thrives, and the whole company takes ownership of its growth.

All Doers

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Leading with Trust in both Good and Bad Weather

Leading with Trust in Both Good and Bad Weather

Lena Noaksson

Lena Noaksson

Getting employees to enthusiastically follow when everything is going smoothly and the sun is shining isn’t necessarily difficult. However, I believe we often ponder over how challenging it is to lead when circumstances are reversed. When there’s a storm brewing. But is it really so? Have we simply overlooked doing the groundwork – building a trust-based culture?

I dare say that there’s no need for any other keys to successful leadership in a more demanding climate. Not even in more negative change processes such as reorganizations and downsizing processes!

Even in adversity, leadership is about working towards a culture of trust where we create conditions for everyone to be able to, want to, dare to, and understand how we can contribute and engage in what lies ahead.

What is needed is for you as a leader to simply have done your foundational work as a leader before the storms start – you need to have spent at least 20% of your actual time on trust-building activities to build a trust-based culture!

So, honestly, dear leaders, have you done the following to create a trust-based culture:
  1. Regular conversations with your employees where you manage expectations regarding what you appreciate in their performance and personality, as well as what needs to be developed
  2. Found out what needs your employees have to contribute in the best way to desired change?
  3. Transparently informed about everything, all the time?
  4. Received feedback on your leadership and actually developed your leadership?
  5. Received input and had dialogues with your employees on how you can become even better together?
  6. Shared the word and created opportunities for participation – giving everyone the opportunity to contribute with knowledge and opinions (even those who take up the least space)?
  7. Highlighted good examples and behaviors (which make it easier for others to do the same)?
  8. Shared (personal) failures and understood the value of turning this into lessons?
  9. Ensured that you work to maximize each employee’s individual development. So that they are even more employable when they leave your team than when they started?
  10. Genuinely tried to get to know each person in your team so that you can facilitate co-leadership in the best possible way?

Do you have a score of 10 out of 10? Congratulations – your culture of trust will weather any storm!

Read more here about how we supported a customer in transition.

Do you need support, encouragement, or inspiration in managing a downturn, reorganization, and/or downsizing process? I’m happy to offer you a coffee and discuss further how we can help you build a trust-based culture.


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Getting the Most Bang for Your Training Buck – 12 Steps to Make Leadership Training Effective

Mest bang for the utbildningsbuck – 12 steg för att få effekt av ledarskapsutbildning

All Doers

Mest bang for the utbildningsbuck – 12 steg för att få effekt av ledarskapsutbildning

All Doers

Welcome to our corner of the internet, where we don’t just talk about leadership – we live it. And we’re eager to share our experiences. Here, we’ll delve into the art of creating an effective leadership training that not only inspires but also delivers results.

In a world that’s constantly changing and where the demands on leaders are ever increasing, effective leadership training is crucial for developing leaders. Leadership training equips leaders to navigate and guide themselves and others through complex challenges. Sending leaders to brisk leadership courses has always been both appreciated and invigorating. But perhaps it’s never been more important than now for them to actually yield results. So how do we ensure that the training makes a difference in how we actually lead?

Here are our 12 best research-based tips for maximizing the impact of your leadership training and cultivating leaders who both want to, can, and dare to lead in the best possible way.

Doings model

Before Leadership Training (Make it Happen) 

1. Needs Analysis and Goal Formulation

Before we can start building a leadership training, we need to conduct a needs analysis related to the world and industry you operate in, as well as the strategic goals and needs of the organization. If you’ve done your strategic competency homework, you have analyzed the specific skills and knowledge that need to be developed. What do the new work methods, technologies, demands from employees, legal requirements, and other demands on your leaders mean?

Based on this, clear goals are set for what the training should achieve and how. So before you start piling up content, learning journeys, and modules, ask yourselves: Why are we doing this and for whom? Formulate your goals and create an image of the ideal participant. This should be the compass throughout the process of creating your leadership training.

2. Anchor Leadership Training with the Organization’s Vision and Goals

For leadership training to provide the most value and impact, it should be linked to your overall vision and goals. This helps participants see the purpose of their learning journey. Always ensure that the content and learning journey also reflect your culture and values, increasing relevance and acceptance. Moreover, it provides invaluable value in the form of your leaders also becoming natural culture builders – win-win-win

3. Preparation and Engagement

Create curiosity and engagement among participants even before the leadership training begins. Do it in a way that suits your organization, but feel free to try a new way to create curiosity and anticipation. The anticipation applies to both sides; also communicate early and clearly what is expected of participants both during and after training, including how important their role as leaders is for you as an organization.

4. Anchoring and Follow-Up with the Boss’s Boss

Another important point to really strengthen momentum and motivation early on is to involve the boss’s boss in various ways. They need to be informed about both content and practical setup to be able to support, follow up curiously, understand, and provide feedback on the continued development journey. We usually ensure this through both an individual action plan. The participant is tasked with developing and following up the plan continuously with their boss. And also by either ensuring that top management attends the training before everyone else. Alternatively (if it’s a more basic course that not everyone attends), ensure they receive a brief overview of the content and theory. All to be able to support and follow up in the best way during the journey.


During Leadership Training (Make the Change)

5. Adapt Leadership Training to Individual Learning Styles

Each participant has their own way of learning. We create learning journeys where we combine digital education (which happens when it suits the individual, spread over time and where the focus is on theory and reflection) with physical or possibly virtual workshops. In the physical moments, the focus of the content is on training, relationship-building, and truly reinforcing learning. Remember that regardless of format and location, a mix of methods and approaches is needed for the leadership training to be effective and valuable for everyone’s different needs and circumstances. Try to tailor the content and exercises of the learning journey to the needs and dynamics of each group.

6. Practice and Share Experiences During Leadership Training

Everyone loves theory, but it’s in reality that it comes to life. Make sure to always link theory to real examples and situations in the leaders’ everyday lives. That’s where the magic happens and where participants will see the value. Let participants engage in a real way and invite them to discussions, role-plays, and case studies, and actively practice together. By allowing participants to practice, discuss, and reflect together, stronger bonds are built between them. This is also important to give participants the opportunity to learn, be inspired, and challenged by each other. These bonds are also invaluable when everyday life intrudes, and a strong network of supportive peers is extra important.

7. Application in Reality

As is well known, it’s the doing that is the key to lasting learning. Your training is not an art installation. Be practical and concrete. Focus on tools and techniques that your leaders can use directly at work. The more usability, the more success. Encourage learning by doing in daily work in various ways during training. This can, for example, be by being tasked with testing a new skill directly in the next meeting or employee conversation. Or by observing and reflecting on how you as a business handle challenging ideas and discussing this with your learning buddy.

8. Reflection for Increased Learning

Reflection is the key to personal and professional development. Reflecting is not just a pause to look back, but a powerful process that gives leaders the opportunity to understand more and grow in their role. Reflection strengthens our learning and increases our self-awareness. In evaluations of our leadership programs, reflection always stands out as a strong motivator for participants. By regularly reflecting, leaders are given the opportunity to gain insights, identify patterns, and strengthen their ability to make informed and wise decisions. And when leaders also have the opportunity to share and take part in others’ reflections, collective competence is strengthened and learning is further deepened.

9. Set a Plan and Follow Up

No one wants to go from a fantastic leadership training to standing still. Conclude each session with concrete actions and a personal action plan. Let your leaders leave the training ready to act. Encourage continuous feedback during the training. This helps participants see both progress and areas for improvement. Examples of good ways to do this include pairing participants with a learning buddy. And always follow up on the individual development plan together with the nearest supervisor.


After Leadership Training (Make it Last)

10. Follow-up and Support after Leadership Training

An important part that unfortunately is often forgotten or deprioritized is various forms of follow-up even after the completion of the training. Ideally, plan different types of advanced training or follow-up workshops already in the initial stages. This could involve group coaching sessions, for instance, with deeper dives and the opportunity for coaching (either externally or with the leader’s supervisor) to support the ongoing development and application of new skills.

11. Evaluate, Iterate, and Inspire

Nothing is static, and this applies to your leadership training as well. Be prepared to adjust and adapt based on feedback and changes in the business climate. This is how you keep your training relevant and impactful. Work iteratively with planning and designing the training (even during the process). Conduct regular evaluations and measurements to ensure that the training delivers the desired effect and to identify areas for improvement. It’s not just about filling seats. Measure success by tracking how your leaders apply what they’ve learned. Results speak louder than attendance, so keep an eye on how your training affects daily work.

12. Promote a Culture of Learning

Don’t forget to view leadership development as part of your long-term strategy rather than a one-time event that’s “done” afterward. Continuous development is crucial for attracting and retaining talent. And to ensure that you remain a relevant employer and organization, both today and tomorrow! Show that you are an organization that values continuous learning – encourage a culture of ongoing personal development. You do this by ensuring that you have the structural and organizational conditions necessary for development and promoting the sharing of knowledge and experiences, both internally and externally.

Also, remember to share and celebrate success stories. By continually highlighting and inspiring the rest of the organization about progress and practical effects, both internal engagement and the desire to develop are strengthened.


Investing in leadership training is, as we know, an investment in both the individual’s and the organization’s future. By following these tips, you can be confident that your leadership training will not only be a temporary, delightful sparkler… but a powerful catalyst for long-term change and success.

Good luck 😊

Here you can be inspired by a learning journey and a leadership training that really had an effect – Alleima’s global leadership development program.

All Doers

Dela inlägget

Leadership - both the problem and the solution

Leadership - both the problem and the solution

The Doers

Leadership - both the problem and the solution

The Doers

If you’re interested in leadership, Gallup’s annual global engagement survey is eagerly awaited. This year, it dropped in June. Congratulations to humanity! Engagement, which has long been unbelievably low, is now at an all-time high at 23%. But let’s not pop the champagne just yet. It’s still way too low, of course. Engagement is not just a nice bonus and a delightful feeling of satisfaction at work; it is also a crucial factor in the organization’s success. According to Gallup, low engagement costs the global economy an unreasonable $8.8 trillion or 9% of global GDP. Unfortunately, another thing that has increased in this year’s report is stress. The numbers show a perceived daily stress level of 44% globally, a steady increase over the past ten years. Gallup argues that both the problem and the solution spell leadership.

The Relationship Between Engagement and Stress

The increased stress is, of course, due to several factors, but one of the clearest is finding the right leadership. This is especially important for support in navigating uncertainty and strengthening engagement. A high level of engagement, in turn, acts as a buffer against stress; Gallup’s analysis shows that engagement has 3.8 times the impact on employees’ stress levels as their physical workplace.

Winds of Change

If not before, it became crystal clear during the pandemic that it’s no longer possible to lead based on old standards with a micromanaging approach. The new world order made it especially clear that it’s time for new leadership. Leadership that looks at results and value creation rather than presence and hours. Leadership with the ability to truly listen, communicate, and motivate, regardless of what the physical workplace looks like.

The Solution: New Leadership

The change starts with leadership, and it must happen now. Research is clear: inadequate leadership leads to poorer collective performance. But it’s equally clear that the right kind of leadership can work wonders. Not only making the company more successful but also reducing stress and making life more meaningful for employees.

But it’s not the leaders’ fault that they’re not good enough. The demands on leaders today are enormous. That’s why we’ve spent a lot of time on leadership development in recent years. It ranges from exploring how we ourselves, with our challenges, in our environment, want to lead and live. To navigating, evolving, and persevering when we don’t know what awaits around the corner. To finding the most value-creating and tailored training programs for our clients that work on factory floors as well as in hybrid setups with employees and leaders scattered around the world.

There is incredibly valuable research on what we need to feel good and perform at work. At Doings, we understand leadership in complex environments. And we love tricky challenges – put us to the test!

The Doers

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